If you struggle with depression, stress, or anxiety, and you're unfamiliar with Orthomolecular psychiatry or the impact of nutrition on the brain, then this article is for you.
Adrenal Glands and Cortisol
Too much or too little cortisol can cause a range of health issues, including mouth sores.
The situation was becoming unsustainable, and I had to find a way to lower my stress levels quickly.
Two herbal supplements (Boost and Calm & Tranquil) played a significant role in reducing both the physical and mental symptoms I was facing. From the first few days of taking both supplements my mouth sores disappeared. Within 30 minutes of taking Calm & Tranquil I would feel my body relax, and the physical tension caused by stress begin to dissipate. I also increased my intake of fruits and vegetables.
As I continue my healing journey, I'm excited to delve into the realm of natural medicine for mental health. I'll be sharing my research here.
Professor Linus Pauling's Belief in Nutrition for the Mind
Professor Linus Pauling was a strong advocate for using nutrition to treat mental health, and he criticized the medical community for dismissing vitamin therapy for psychological disorders. Just as a lack of certain vitamins or minerals causes physical illnesses—such as scurvy from a lack of Vitamin C or osteoporosis from a deficiency in calcium—deficiencies in specific vitamins and amino acids can lead to brain and mood disorders.
Other notable psychologists, including Dr. Abram Hoffer, supported this idea, with Hoffer successfully using Vitamin B3 to treat schizophrenia.
The Brain Needs Specific Nutrients to Thrive
Have you ever skipped a meal? You may experience a headache, fatigue, or irritability. Some foods give an energy boost followed by a crash, while others may trigger tiredness right away.
It’s clear: what we eat directly affects how we feel.
Poor eating habits can starve our brain of essential nutrients, leaving it underperforming.

What to eat in a Nutrient Deficient world
We are eating foods grown in nutrient depleted soil. Much of the crops are genetically modified which actually causes inflammation in the body when we eat them.
Plus We eat foods that are picked too early, and shipped in dry ice or refrigeration.
What are we to do? How can we nourish our bodies with the food supply being so tainted?
Two of my brothers and my father are both incredibly health conscious. They are serious and regimented about their health routines and diet. It's admirable.
Below is the advice that my father and one of my brothers gave me years ago.
Consume as many fruits and vegetables as you can, cooked, raw etc... Make smoothies or fresh juices with all these fruits/vegetables. The more fresh fruits you eat, the more it will compensate for the lack of nutrients.
Choose local over imported, tree ripened, organic (especially fruits/vegetables that are heavily sprayed), eat as many colorful fruits/as you can. see how your body reacts.
Carbohydrates are crucial for mood.
The brain primarily runs on glucose from carbohydrates.
But It's important to choose the right carbohydrates.
Avoid all processed carbohydrates. Instead, opt for wholegrain, ancient non-GMO grains.
Kamut bread is the healthiest choice for those suffering from mood disorders.
Kamut is an ancient grain very high in B-vitamins. B vitamins are crucial for brain health. In fact, a lack of B vitamins cause cause depression, anxiety, irritability, lethargy, and fatigue.
To learn more about Kamut bread click here.
Sugar is Brain Poison
Sugar, specifically refined sugar, acts like an addictive drug. Processed Sugar should be avoided like the plague for anyone suffering from stress, depression or mood disorders. Processed Sugar quickly raises blood sugar and serotonin levels, which gives us a temporary mood and energy boost. Many of us crave sweets not just for taste but because of this sugar "high".
However, when we constantly eat sugar, it actually disrupts serotonin production long term, and the body stops producing and utilizing serotonin.
The Amino Acids Tryptophane and Phenylamine are the building blocks for brain chemicals that sustain good mood. Sugar competes with these amino acids for absorption in the intestines. Sugar blocks their absorption.
A high sugar diet stimulates secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine , which increases energy and neural activity but also increases susceptibility to stress anxiety and mania.
Both low blood sugar and high blood sugar levels can lead to depression. The brain relies on glucose (from carbohydrates) to function. But it needs a slow steady release of glucose. For this reason, it's important to choose carbohydrates that do not raise blood sugar levels quickly and to avoid all processed sugars.
Processed Sugar to avoid: beet sugar (most brown and white sugar sold in stores are made from gmo sugar beets), cane sugar, isolated fructose, glucose (found in many health bars and drinks), processed honey (not raw), white stevia is incredibly processed (only use real stevia leaves- they have a green color), agave
Sugars you can eat but in limitation: Limit Raw Honey, Grade A Maple Syrup
Better to try and wean off of all of the above and reach for fresh fruits instead.
Important Note: Avoid All Artificial and alternative sweeteners Including aspartame (found in Equal and NutraSweet), sucralose (found in Splenda), and Saccharin (found in Sweet 'N Low).
Boost Herbal Supplement
If you suffer from Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue or have some of the symptoms listed in the paragraph above, its likely that your adrenal glands need support.
In fact, You may have adrenal fatigue.
Ultimately, adrenal fatigue leads to the body not being able to produce enough cortisol, and the resulting low cortisol levels contribute to decreased energy, abnormal hormonal levels, high stress levels, depression, and low libido.
Boost Herbal Caps Benefits:
- Rejuvenates the Adrenal Glands*
- Helps to maintain energy and stamina*
- Combats High Blood Sugar and High Blood Pressure
- Fights Fatigue & helps the body cope with Stress*
- BOOSTS athletic performance and fuels muscle growth*
- Boosts Libido*