Is Your Liver Crying for Help? How a Liver Detox Can Revive Your Health

Every 14 minutes all of our blood passes through the liver.

The liver is the largest of our internal organs.

Everything we eat or put or on our skin eventually enters the liver for processing.

The liver is tasked with some of the most important jobs in our body.

1) the liver has the ability to break down toxins (including pharmaceutical drugs). into less toxic substances prepare them for elimination.

2)breaks down hard to excrete fat soluble toxins into less toxic water soluble toxins, so they can be excreted through sweat or the bowels.

3) Produces Bile

4) manufactures anti-coagulants.

5) the liver detoxifies excess estrogen.

6) sends some glucose to cells, stores some glucose as glycogen.

7) stores some minerals like copper and iron and certain vitamins

Its easy to ignore this all important silent organ. Often a clogged liver goes unnoticed until other health problems arise, seemingly unrelated, but due to blocked detoxification pathways.

For this reason, it's important to take care of the liver and kidneys. 

If you're concerned that your body is not detoxing properly or you experience symptoms of blocked detoxification such as:

Fatigue, dark circles under the eyes, depression, hormonal imbalances, muscle, and joint pains, skin problems, and headaches, digestive issues

Then a liver and kidney detoxification protocol may be a good idea. 

Stages of Liver Detoxification

The important task of breaking down fat soluble toxins into water soluble toxins is broken into stages. The liver requires a tremendous amount of nutrients to accomplish this.

Stage 1: Nutrients Required:

1) Antioxidants: specifically Beta carotene but also vitamin C

2) B vitamins

3) minerals

4) fatty acids" Omega 3 & Omega 6

Many studies have linked an increase of phase I activity and decreased phase II activity to diseases such as Parkinson’s and cancer. Meaning that if there is too much Phase 1 activity and not enough Phase II, the process of detoxification remains incomplete and puts us at risk for disease such as Cancer and Parkinsons.

Stage 2 : Nutrients Required

1) Sulfur & Sulfur bearing amino acids

The liver requires high levels of sulfur in order to carry out phase 2 detoxification. Sulfur is found in smelly foods like eggs, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onion and garlic. Many people do not consume adequate sulfur. This mineral also has an anti-inflammatory effect in the body and is excellent for painful, inflamed joints.  MSM is a natural form of sulfur; it stands for methyl sulfonyl methane

2) Selenium & Glutathione

glutathione is a master antioxidant needed to support both phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification.

The body synthesizes glutathione on its own, from the amino acids glycine, glutamate and cysteine. 

Potent Cleanse for Liver & Kidneys - based on Japanese Medicine

Discover our


POTENT Herbal Formula

For Kidney and Liver Detoxification 

Based on Ancient Japanese Herbal Medicine

Bad Diet, Toxin Exposure, Prescription Medications for conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure can all harm the kidneys and liver.

Traditional Japanese medicine has been used for hundreds of years to cleanse and detox these all important organs

Works well for people with kidney conditions* 

"Hi Joseph, just wanted to let you know that I did ultrasound of my kidneys. They are back to normal. Creatinine levels are normal. Thank You. Your products are amazing." Y.V.


Easy Steps to Maintain a Healthy Liver

1) Bed by 9

2) Regular Bowel Movements

3) Avoid Liver Stressors: Coffee, Alcohol and Stress

4) Processed Fructose: Processed Fructose stresses the liver. You can eat fruits of course, but Avoid high fructose corn syrup, (isolated refined) fructose, and agave

5) Drink 2 Liters of Water per day- that's a minimum of 8 cups.

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