Are you scared of getting sick? Do you want to strengthen your immune system naturally and stop living in fear every time you get near people?
Are you still living with fatigue, headaches, and brain fog months after you "recovered" from the last round of viruses?
In this article you will learn how to strengthen your immune system naturally so you can stop living in fear.

"The Immune System is like a muscle that needs to be trained"
Here at Joseph's Organic Bakery, we've had dozens of customers reporting fatigue, low immunity, and brain fog long after they "recovered" from their last bout of the flu/virus. These people tend to catch every virus going around and never fully recover.
We've had tremendous success helping long haulers get their lives back on track, helping them overcome their fatigue.
Do you want to strengthen your immune system, knowing that you're doing your best to safeguard your health?
So How Can We Build A Strong Immune System?
STEP 1 Avoid Toxic Foods
As mentioned above, 70% percent of the immune system lies in the gut. That means that what we eat determines if we are going to have a strong immune system or not.
Probiotics (good bacteria) n the gut actually train the immune system to identify good and bacteria. But if we don't have good bacteria because of bad diet, then we are sabotaging our own immunity.
If we're eating sugar, dairy trans fats, fried foods, meats, fish, and chicken then we're going to get sick. These foods lower our immune strength and promote inflammation in the body.
In fact, most of the cooking oils used in restaurants and processed foods are hydrogenated oils (meaning they are processed using high heat). This high heat process destroys the oils and creates trans fats. Trans fats clog up the blood and cause low immunity.
Fried foods and animal proteins including fish are especially harmful to the gut and the immune system. As we age, we have less enzymes necessary for the digestion of meats and animal protein. So it takes the body tremendous amounts of enzymes and energy to bread down the animal proteins. This energy should be spent on healing and repair, not digesting meat chicken and fish.So for people 40+ limiting or eliminating animal proteins and fish is highly beneficial.
Fish whether they are farmed or wild, contain loads of herbicide residue, mercury, PCBS, and preservatives sprayed on it to retain color. Fish is one of the most toxic foods to eat in 2022.
70% of the Immune System Lies in The GUT !
STEP 2 HEALTHY Plant Based Ancient Grain DIET
Step 2 would be to modify your diet to include plenty of fruits, vegetables (cooked and raw), and healthy ancient grains like Kamut or Einkorn.
Kamut is an ancient grain that has anti-inflammatory properties. It has high levels of zinc which is important for immune strength.
Kamut is the grain we bake with here at Joseph's Organic Bakery. Both Kamut and Einkorn are much higher in vitamins and minerals, then modern wheat. Plus, we use a special method of fermentation to increase probiotic content. Our kamut sourdough bread really is the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Bread was a staple food for thousands of years for a reason. It's how I start my day, with 2 slices every morning (around 10-11am).
Plants contain PHYTONUTRIENTS that Boost the Immune System
"Go Vegan Plant Based for Ultimate Immune Strength"
STEP 3 Strengthen the Red Blood Cells
We also need to talk about the importance of healthy blood. The red blood cells are vital to the immune system.
Everyone talks about the white blood cells. Very few understand the vital function of he red blood cells in relation to the immune system.
The Red Blood Cells are underestimated in their importance in enhancing natural immunity. The red blood cells Supply oxygen to all cells of the body including damaged cells, helping in their repair. This job prevents the core cause of sickness: an acidic environment in the body.
By strengthening the red blood cells, in essence you are creating an alkaline oxygenated environment in the body, preventing the body from developing sickness and disease to begin with. But even once a person becomes sick, the focus should be on strengthening the red blood cells.
The Red blood cells are also Immune sentinels, the guards, the lookouts that alert the body to foreign invaders.
These Oxygen-carrying cells capture DNA from pathogens and damaged cells.
That's where our Immune Pro herbal supplement comes in. The Immune Pro was designed to strengthen the red blood cells and to promote healthy blood flow.
Immune Pro not only strengthens the immune system, but it also helps combat anemia, one of the key causes of fatigue.
Read below to Learn more about our Immune Pro
Immune Pro Herbs for Ultimate Immune Support
Immune Pro is an herbal supplement which aims to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the blood. The red and white blood cells are key to a strong immune system.
The Red Blood Cells are underestimated in their importance in enhancing natural immunity. Our Immune Pro strengthens and improves the function of the red blood cells. The red blood cells Supply oxygen to damaged cells, helping in their repair, thus preventing the core cause of sickness: an acidic environment in the body.
By strengthening the red blood cells, in essence you are creating an alkaline oxygenated environment in the body, thus preventing the body from developing sickness and disease to begin with. But even once a person becomes sick, Immune Pro helps strengthen the immune system.
STEP 4 Herbs that Boost Immune Strength
There are herbs, like our CISTUS TEA, that have been used for centuries to boost the immune system naturally.
Cistus tea is a potent antioxidant, destroying free radicals. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It has the potential to inhibit the multiplication of viruses, which may help to alleviate cold and influenza.
It also has anti-bacterial and antifungal properties. It contains polyphenols that may destroy free radicals. Through bioflavonoids, it works synergistically with vitamin C, enhancing its action.