Calm & Tranquil - Stress & Anxiety Ultra Potent Herbal Tonic

Calm & Tranquil - Stress & Anxiety Ultra Potent Herbal Tonic

Prix régulier $175.00

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This liquid herbal tonic relieves anxiety, balances emotions, supports brain function, improves focus, and protects against stress.  It helps the brain work at its best by giving it the right nutrition and clearing out toxins. 

It helps restore important minerals and antioxidants, reducing brain inflammation. For Anxiety & Depression Relief.

Ultra Potent Formula


When to take Calm & Tranquil:

For Stress & Anxiety

For Depression

For Alzheimer's & Dementia

For Lack of Focus


Benefits of Calm& Tranquil:

  • Relieves Anxiety

  • Boosts Mood 

  • Sleep Aid

  • Improves Focus & Cognition'

  • Reduces Inflammation


"Got rid of my extreme anxiety, I literally feel a physical release of tension within 30 minutes after taking it" Miriam

"Helped me with Sleep throughout the night for the first time in years!" C.T.


Ingredients: Blue Vervain, Burdock Root, Elderberry, Valerian Root, White Willow, Yellow Dock, Bugleweed

Instructions: Take 2 tbsp. in the morning and 2 tbsp. in the evening.

Shake Well.   Keep Refrigerated after Opening.

8 fluid oz

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