There are many Toxic Ingredients that can be Found in Your Favorite Foods. Some are so dangerous that they have been banned in countries around the world, yet somehow they are still legal in the United States. The following "foods" and additives should be avoided at all costs if you want to safeguard your health.
Canola Oil: Over 90 percent of canola oil is GMO. Canola oil is a refined oil made from toxic rapeseeds. Canola oil is refined, bleached, degummed, and deodorized using high heat and/or chemicals in the production process in order to increase its stability. This process creates trans fats (on average about 4.6% of the finished oil is trans fats). When heated at high heat (such as in fried foods), the canola becomes even more toxic. Rats fed canola oil developed heart and kidney damage. Tran fats in general are very toxic to the brain. They disrupt neuron signalling leading to memory loss, hyperactivity and learning disabilities. Consumption of canola can lead to kidney and liver trouble, heart disease and stroke, and even alzheimer's. Why clog up your arteries with this oil?
Corn Starch: 93% of corn grown in the world is GMO. Corn is heavily Sprayed with toxic cancerous pesticides. Assume that the corn used is GMO unless otherwise indicated. Corn starch is simply another word for corn sugar. Corn starch can also be a hidden name for MSG.
Bleached White Flour Bread- Bread made with bleached white flour contains Bleaching chemicals such as azodicarbonamide which you might recall is the “yoga mat” additive. This plastic dough conditioner is used to make bread dough fluffier. According to the CSPI, the chemicals azodicarbonamide break down into after baking are recognized CARCINOGENS
Soy products: 90% of the world's soy is GMO. Unless fermented carefully using traditional methods, soy contains high levels of phytoestrogens which can contribute to the development of breast cancer, thyroid problems, calcium loss, male hormonal issues, and early development in girls. Infant soy formulas are laced with phytoestrogens.
Caramel Coloring: caramel color in brown beverages, candies and cereals, has been proven to increase the rate of cancerous and benign tumors in rats as shown by the National Toxicology Program and has been labeled by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a possible carcinogen for humans.
High Fructose Corn Syrup: It’s cheaper and sweeter than sugar, and it is much more quickly absorbed by the body. Eating too much high fructose corn syrup can lead to insulin resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Very hard on the liver.
Polysorbate 60- a popular emulsifier Made of corn, palm oil, and petroleum. This is a sticky mixture that replaces dairy in baked goods. Potentially contaminated with 1,4 dioxane, a chemical which causes cancer in animals and could in humans as well, according to a study in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology.
Polysorbate 80: This emulsifier is incredibly toxic. It is used in many diet foods and has been shown to cause cancer in mice. It is also linked to infertility, and many other health problems. Personally, I avoid this at all costs. Sugar: Most of white Sugar is made from GMO sugar beets which is heavily sprayed with pesticides. Brown sugar is usually white sugar sprayed with molasses. Additionally sugar consumption causes high blood sugar levels which of course is linked to hyperactivity and diabetes. According to the USDA’s new Dietary Guidelines, we should be eating no more than 50 grams of sugar a day for optimal health. While the USDA is hardly the organization I would go to for health advice they do actually understand that our bodies are just not made to process sugar in the amounts people consume it today. On average, the American child consumes between 29 teaspoons and 2 cups of refined sugar per day! The American Heart Association writes "Added sugars are sugars added to food when they are processed or prepared. Consuming too much may make you sick and shorten your life."(5) Even worse, sugar depresses the immune system, weakening your T fighter cells thereby making you and children vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Want your children to spend less time at the doctors office? Cut down on sugar.
Guar Gum: an emulsifier that is 8 times more powerful that corn starch. It swells up so much when it absorbs water that ingesting guar gum in powder form has caused lung swelling and death in a number of people. This emulsifier is present in many gluten free foods (to help it stick together). It is so toxic to the digestive system that I would avoid it with a ten foot pole.
Aspartame: is a synergistic methanol poisoning. breaks down into wood alcohol when heated which is then converted to brain damaging formaldehyde (embalming fluid) in the human body. Neurotoxic and not fit for children. Found in diet soft drinks and beverages.
Sucralose: Studies have shown that Sucralose reduces beneficial gut bacteria by a whopping 50% in rat studies! Also a source of chlorine. Sucralose is worse than all the other sweeteners.
Sulphur Dioxide (E220)- can spark asthma attacks. found in dried fruits and nuts.
BHT or BHA: Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) or BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole), ingredient are banned in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and much of Europe because they are thought to be CARCINOGENIC.
Tapioca starch: Starch is simply fruit sugar- promotes the growth of unhealthy bacteria in the gut, and raises blood sugar levels.
Potato Starch: Starch is simply fruit sugar- promotes the growth of unhealthy bacteria in the gut, and raises blood sugar levels.
Psyllium- is very harsh on the intestines. Found in many gluten free products.
Mono and Diglycerides- Since the FDA has banned trans fats, food companies dodge the ban by listing mono and diglycerides as an ingredient. They contain Trans Fats.
Artificial flavors – Flavorists make artificial flavors by combining chemicals made from INEDIBLE ingredients, such as paper pulp or petroleum. Artificial flavors are made to smell and taste exactly like real flavors. What we know about artificial flavors is that they are for certain synthetic chemicals. But it end there. A 'simple' strawberry flavored candy could actually contain dozens of chemicals because each artificial flavor is made up of dozens of synthetic chemicals. Companies are not required to list all the chemicals they use.
"NATURAL" Flavors: Natural flavors” is often code word for MSG or other “natural” chemicals that can harm neurologic health. This is a food category completely unregulated by the FDA. For this reason, natural flavors could potentially be worse than artificial chemicals. Each natural flavor could be made of hundreds of ingredients. This is very concerning.
Sodium Benzoate: Benzene is the primary ingredient in Liquid Wrench, various paint stripping products, rubber cement, and some spot removers because its a good solvent. Sodium benzoate is more toxic than either processed sugar or high fructose corn syrup.
Emulsifiers are basically thickening agents that wreak havoc on our digestive systems. Some emulsifiers like guar gum swell up so much when they absorb water that they have caused lung swelling and death when ingested in powder form. Examples of Emulsifiers: Soy Lecithin (there is a 96% chance that the SOy in your food is toxic GMO soy), guar gum, xantham gum, cellulose (wood chips that act like knives in the intestines leading to leaky gut), soy lecithin, sunflower lecithin.
Trans Fats:
Damaging to heart health. Very toxic to the brain. Trans fats disrupt neuron signalling which can lead to memory loss, hyperactivity, speech problems, and diseases of the nervous system Although it was been officially banned by the FDA just this year, there are many loopholes around the ban. Just like total fat and saturated fat, if there are less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving, it can be expressed as zero. So even foods that have zero trans fats can actually contain a lot of trans fats. For example a bag of potato chips that claims 0 trans fats can by law actually contain 8 grams of trans fats if it has 16 servings. Trans fats in even minute amounts are brain toxic.
Another way for food companies to add trans fats is by adding mono and diglycerides which contain trans fats. Avoid foods that contain canola (rapeseed), soybean oil, most vegetable oils, peanut oil, etc... their fatty acids are very delicate and when heated at high temperatures turn into trans fats.
MSG is an excitotoxin. Toxic to the human brain, it destroys synapses and sometimes even neurons themselves. In children it has been implicated in ADHD. In research studies it has been shown to damage the hippocampus (an area responsible for memory and learning) of the brain in rats. Baby formulas are laced with MSG so beware.
There are over 50 names that food manufacturers use to disguise MSG. Common names for MSG include: natural flavor, yeast extract, gelatin, protein extract, soy protein, starch, Corn starch. Corn syrup. Modified food starch. Dextrose. Rice syrup. Brown rice syrup. Milk powder, etc...
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