Are you Suffering from Iodine Deficiency and Low Thyroid? Don't Ignore these Signs

Iodine is a trace element that is essential for the production of thyroid horm...

The Dangers of Driving a Tesla or Any Electric Car: Stay Away if you Care about your Health

In a world where its becoming increasingly hard to avoid EMF exposure, why any...

do you want stronger bones? These overlooked Minerals are key for osteoporosis prevention

How can I strengthen my bones to prevent osteoporosis? This is a question that...

Green Tea: An Ancient Superfood that You shouldn't Live Without

Green Tea is one of the most powerful nutrients in existence. It's not for not...

Depressed, Stress, or Anxious? Exploring Brain Nutrition and Orthomolecular Psychiatry Part 2

If you struggle with depression, stress, or anxiety, and you're unfamiliar wit...

CCRISPR a dangerous gamble with our genetic future

While we are all sleeping, scientists are working around the clock using CRISP...

Constipated? The Overlooked Condition that is More than Just a Menace

Officially, about 16% of American adults experience constipation, with this nu...

Depressed, Stress, or Anxious? Exploring Brain Nutrition and Orthomolecular Psychiatry Part 1

If you struggle with depression, stress, or anxiety, and you're unfamiliar wit...

Is Your Liver Crying for Help? How a Liver Detox Can Revive Your Health

Every 14 minutes all of our blood passes through the liver. The liver is the l...

Unveiling the Invisible Threat: Musk's 6,900 Starlink Satellites and the Impending EMF Pollution Crisis

Elon Musk is launching Starlink satellites into space at an alarming rate of 4...

Unveiling the Silent Menace: The Long-Term Dangers of Antibiotics

Antibiotics aren't harmless, in fact, the exact opposite is true, most people ...

The Dark Side of Salmon: The truth about the Salmon Industry

Salmon has long been celebrated as a "superfood" for its purported health bene...
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