Officially, about 16% of American adults experience constipation, with this number rising to around 33% for adults aged 60 and older. But the real numbers are actually much higher. If we aren't having a minimum of 2 bowel movements per day, than most likely we are constipated.
Transit time between eating and elimination should take anywhere from 1-4 hours . If 6-24 hours are going by after a meal, then its an indication that the digestive system is working at less than optimal levels.
Constipation leads to all types of diseases including: allergies, fatigue, stress, obesity, insomnia, arthritis, acid reflux, body odor, heart disease, and more. Food that is stagnating in the colon is a breeding ground for bacteria, yeast, and fungus, all of which can wreak havoc on our health if the situation continues long term.
Keep in mind when food sits in the colon too long, and bad bacteria proliferates, it causes leaky gut syndrome. Then the toxins from the stagnant RANCID food leak into the blood stream through the gut wall, causing inflammation. Allergies start to develop because food particles leak through the wall. Nutrients are not absorbed properly either because the gut wall is compromised, so nutrient deficiencies develop.
Nutrient deficiencies cause hunger, because our body thinks we are starving, so we eat more, which can lead to obesity and diabetes. Of course a lack of good bacteria in the colon can lead to all sorts of diseases since 70% of the immune system lies in the gut.
Constipation can have a ripple effect on our overall health, but it can be prevented by following the simple steps below. But first lets examine the cause:

Main Causes of Constipation
1) Prescription and non-prescription medications - why? because they contain toxins that have to be flushed out with water , water is taken out of the colon to compensate for fluid loss, which causes harder stools
2) Dehydration - Many of us are chronically dehydrated and we dont even know it. Our water supply is chlorinated, even bottled water is full of chemicals, it's not very hydrating.
3) Bad Diet: Lack of Natural Fiber + Overconsumption of Animal Proteins
Acid Forming Foods like Meat, chicken and fish, require a tremendous amount of enzymes to digest. However, As we age the body produces less digestive enzymes. Digesting these foods becomes quite a challenge. Plus they lack fiber so they tend to stagnate and just go rancid. For these reasons we really should avoid these foods.
For obvious reasons, a diet lacking in natural fiber causes stagnation in the colon.
The Constipation Solution
1) Eat a diet high in Natural Fiber - fruits and vegetables (both raw and cooked). These plant foods are full of fiber, nutrients, and natural digestive enzymes. Source local and fresh if possible.
Consume wholegrains. The best source of natural fiber is actually real wholegrain bread. At Joseph's Organic bakery our bread is truly wholegrain (most bakeries take out the bran). Check out our Einkorn Bread .
2) Avoid animal protein- (if you must eat meat and chicken, be sure to cook in water, avoid frying and grilling) and try to reduce amounts. It's best to pause these foods for a few weeks at least to cleanse out the colon. Fish should always be avoided.
3) Chew your food- Chewing not only helps with digestion but also curbs hunger hormone production
4) Drink Water - Water hydrates stool. Try to source good quality spring water.
One of the best waters for digestion and constipation is our Digestive Water . It cleanses the colon and provides key nutrients.
Tip: Add slices of cucumber, strawberries, watermelon to your cup or bottle of water. Fruits contain gel water which is much easier for the body to absorb. As explained above much of the water on supermarket shelves are full of chemicals and are not hydrating, so adding a sprinkle of sea salt or bamboo salt could help increase absorption.
5) Eat Probiotic Foods - Consume healthy probiotics like Raw Sauerkraut and Umeboshi Plums.
Beneficial microbes/probiotics play a crucial role in the body by performing several key functions, such as: Breaking down food, Helping the body absorb nutrients from food, Regulating the growth of harmful microbes.
Maintaining the right balance of these microbes is essential for a healthy digestive system.
Our Umeboshi Plums are fermented for 3 years ensuring high probiotic levels.
6) Digestive Supporting Herbs - Various herbs can support the gut and alleviate constipation.
Check out our Constipation Relief Tea , which not only alleviates constipation but also replenishes the gut microbiome for Overall Gut Rejuvenation.
7) Exercise: Walking, rebounding
8) Prunes and or Prune Juice
Digestive Water
This Digestive Aid water has a unique alkaline composition. It has very high mineralization (over 21,000 mg/dm3).
Its array of vitamins and ionic minerals helps correct deficiencies in the body and provide nourishment to the digestive tract. Cleans out waste from the colon.
Benefits of Our Digestive Water:
- Supports healthy Digestion*
- Relieves Constipation and Acid Reflux*
- Supports Weight Loss*
- Promotes healthy metabolism*
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