Antibiotics aren't harmless, in fact, the exact opposite is true, most people underestimated the silent danger they pose.
Bottom Line: Antibiotics Suppress the Immune System leaving us vulnerable to infections, destroy the gut, Cause Candida Yeast Overgrowth, and create Superbugs.
One dose of Antibiotics can wipe out enitre colonies of beneficial bacteria the body has painstakingly accumulated for years.
While antibiotic use might be necessary in very extreme or life and death situations, it really is not the route I believe is good for the body long term.
Antibiotics and Superbugs
The use of antibiotics has given rise to a new very virulent Superbugs. Over time, bacteria adapt and develop resistance to these drugs, rendering them less effective and threatening our ability to treat infections effectively. This phenomenon, known as antibiotic resistance, poses a significant public health risk.
Antibiotics Damage the Immune System
Antibiotics kill the friendly bacteria in the colon. One round of antibiotics wipe out an entire colony of beneficial bacteria.
We need the beneficial bacteria for a healthy immune system. The friendly bacteria in the gut actually act as immune sentinels identifying foreign invading pathogens marking them for elimination.
Without the friendly bacteria, the immune system cannot function optimally, putting us at risk for cancer and other diseases.
Antibiotics Halt Heavy Metal Detoxification
The friendly bacteria in our colon aid in heavy metal removal. Probiotics degrade and remove food contaminants including heavy metals and other toxins.
When antibiotics wipe out the beneficial bacteria in the gut, it's setting us for toxin accumulation, and lets face it, most processed foods contain loads of heavy metals and toxins. Heavy metal detoxification is essential for autism prevention, so in my daughter's case, not only did the antibiotics trigger food allergies immediately, probably it damaged the gut lining, but also because heavy metals can actually trigger autism.
Antibiotics Trigger Autoimmune Conditions
Antibiotics wipe out bacteria: good and bad. When bacteria is detroyed, the cell wall ruptures and little bits of bacteria circulate throughout the body, sometimes for years. This leading to chronic inflammation and an overactive immune system the leading causes of Autoimmune conditions.
Antibiotics & Autism
Many years ago, when my daughter was just 20 months old, she received the Dtap vaccine, after which she developed 105 fever. Her body was drenched in sweat. Needless to say, she had never been this sick before, so of course I took the normal route and took her the doctor who prescribed a strong antibiotic. I still remember her screams of terror every time I gave her a dose of antibiotics, it took 2 people holding her down to force feed her the antibiotics, and the doctor insisted she needed the full dose. After starting the antibiotic my daughter stopped sweating altogether. Immediately afterwards, she developed food allergies. Then she lost most of her speech and her behavior deteriorated. It was devastating to see her developing signs of Autism.
The vaccine flooded her body with viruses, heavy metals, foreign DNA and human albumin, including aborted baby DNA, and preservatives like mercury and aluminum. Her body fought this onslaught with a high fever, but when I gave her the antibiotic, yes it brought down the fever, but it resulted in a complete shutdown of the body's natural immune response. All detoxification channels closed. As if the antibiotics prevented her body from detoxing from the toxins in the vaccines.
At that point I did everything in my power to heal her from Autism, from detoxifying baths to green juicing every day, preparing every meal from scratch, and so much more. The work involved was beyond belief, but two years later, G-d answered my prayers and she shed her Autism diagnosis. Miraculously, she returned to being completely normal.
After seeing the extreme side effects of both the vaccines and antibiotics, I completely stopped using Antibiotics and vaccines, In fact, I haven't taken antibiotics in 17 years, opting instead for natural holistic approach to health.
The Long-Term Dangers of Antibiotics on Gut Health
However, antibiotics can significantly disrupt the ecosystem of microorganisms in the gut by indiscriminately killing both harmful pathogens and beneficial microbes. This disruption, known as dysbiosis, can lead to a host of long-term health issues, including gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic syndrome, and even mental health problems.
Such changes can result in diminished diversity among gut bacteria, which is associated with a range of health problems. For example, reduced microbial diversity has been linked to conditions such as obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and allergies. These findings underscore the importance of considering the long-term implications of antibiotic therapy beyond the immediate treatment of infections.
Furthermore, the connection between gut health and the immune system is profound. A healthy microbiome supports immune function by helping to train the immune system to distinguish between harmful pathogens and harmless substances. When antibiotics disrupt this balance, the immune system may become less effective, leading to an increased susceptibility to infections and autoimmune diseases. To mitigate these risks, it is essential to prioritize gut health through diet and probiotic superfoods.
Antibiotics and the Development of Superbugs
The emergence of superbugs is one of the most urgent threats stemming from antibiotic overuse. The conditions that facilitate the development of superbugs are often rooted in the misuse of antibiotics, whether in human medicine or agriculture. The proliferation of these resistant strains can occur in various environments, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, and community settings, where antibiotic use is rampant.
Common examples of superbugs include carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE), and multidrug-resistant strains of Escherichia coli, and Staph infections (MRSA). Treatment options for infections caused by these organisms are limited.
Alternatives to Antibiotics for Common Infections
1) Oregano Oil- Just a few drops per day (start slow just to make sure its not too strong). Very powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial
2) Cistus Tea - Cistus is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial .
Cistus tea or Cistus incanus tea is one of the most ancient teas, brewed for centuries in the Mediterranean regions. It was prized for its medicinal properties and a pleasant aroma.
Cistus tea was valued due to its ability to heal wounds , lower inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and help restore health. For these reasons, it was considered very beneficial in traditional medicine.
The plant is indeed rich in protective anti-aging antioxidants and can fight against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. So, what you get is a pleasant tasting and fragrant cup of hot tea, full of health benefits.
At Joseph's Organic Bakery, we've sourced the highest quality most potent cistus Tea we could find.
Learn more about our Cistus Tea here
3) Immune Pro - Our Immune Pro is an herbal supplement which aims to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the blood. The red and white blood cells are key to a strong immune system.
The Red Blood Cells are underestimated in their importance in enhancing natural immunity. Our Immune Pro strengthens and improves the function of the red blood cells. The red blood cells Supply oxygen to damaged cells, helping in their repair, thus preventing the core cause of sickness: an acidic environment in the body.
By strengthening the red blood cells, in essence you are creating an alkaline oxygenated environment in the body, thus preventing the body from developing sickness and disease to begin with. But even once a person becomes sick, Immune Pro helps strengthen the immune system.
Learn more about our Immune Pro here
4) Boost Herbal Supplement
If you're experiencing fatigue or low energy after a strong cold or illness, or you experience recurring illness, its likely that your adrenal glands are fatigued. If this is you, or you experience chronic fatigue, it's important to replenish the adrenal glands to avoid complete adrenal burnout.
Our Boost Herbal Supplement aims to naturally boost energy levels by rejuvenating the adrenal glands with special herbs.
Learn more about our Boost supplement here
5) Colloidal Silver- Colloidal Silver combined with other methods is a good way to strengthen the immune system, silver has antimicrobial properties.
6) Freshly Squeezed Grapefruit and or lemon Juice- In many countries where the population can't afford antibiotics, they use lemon juice for throat infections, freshly squeezed cups of grapefruit and orange juices. These contain Vitamin C.
Garlic is also consumed. As well as onion poultices for chest and lung infections.
7) Probiotic Foods- Perhaps Probiotic Foods should be at the top of the list, considering they populate the gut with beneficial bacteria. To maintain a strong immune system, we need the good bacteria to mark entering pathogens for elimination and to prevent pathogenic bacterial overgrowth.
The best Probiotic Food out there is Fermented Umeboshi Plums which is a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal food. Secondly is Raw Sauerkraut. Check out our Fermented Umeboshi Plums and Raw Sauerkraut here at Joseph's Organic Bakery.
For a really fun on fermented foods try our Fermented Beets. The flavor is really amazing.
Our Immune Pro is an herbal supplement which aims to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the blood. The red and white blood cells are key to a strong immune system.
The Red Blood Cells are underestimated in their importance in enhancing natural immunity. Our Immune Pro strengthens and improves the function of the red blood cells. The red blood cells Supply oxygen to damaged cells, helping in their repair, thus preventing the core cause of sickness: an acidic environment in the body.
By strengthening the red blood cells, in essence you are creating an alkaline oxygenated environment in the body, thus preventing the body from developing sickness and disease to begin with.
Learn more about our Immune Pro here

Overuse of Antibiotics on Cows, Chickens, and Fish
The overuse of antibiotics is not confined to human medicine; it is equally prevalent in livestock and aquaculture. Antibiotics are frequently administered to farm animals, including cows, chickens, and fish, to promote growth and prevent disease in overcrowded conditions. This practice has significant implications for both animal health and human health. By exposing animals to antibiotics routinely, we inadvertently encourage the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can enter the human food chain, contributing to the global health crisis of antibiotic resistance.
In livestock production, the use of antibiotics has become so widespread that it raises concerns about food safety and public health. Bacteria that develop resistance in animals can be transmitted to humans through direct contact, consumption of contaminated meat, or environmental exposure. This transmission occurs when resistant bacteria are shed in animal waste and contaminate water or soil. Consequently, the use of antibiotics in agriculture must be scrutinized to protect both animal welfare and public health.
To address the overuse of antibiotics in agriculture, regulatory measures and public awareness campaigns are necessary. Policymakers should consider implementing stricter regulations governing antibiotic use in livestock, promoting practices that prioritize animal welfare and reduce the need for antibiotics. Additionally, consumers can play a role by supporting sustainable and antibiotic-free farming practices.
However, antibiotic free is not enough, because vaccines which contain antibiotics and other toxins are being used now at an alarmingly high rate in animals.
Vaccine free meat chicken must be the new standard when choosing meat and chicken.
Fish are too toxic and should not be consumed ever unless you live and catch your fish near the Artic, our oceans are just too toxic, and farmed fish are equally bad.