CCRISPR a dangerous gamble with our genetic future

While we are all sleeping, scientists are working around the clock using CRISPR technology to genetically modify plants, animals and people. Just as GMO food has become the norm, and it's becoming increasingly hard to find food that isn't toxic, the same will happen to animals, insects, and now human beings. CRISPR technology is being used in the medical field, with some CRISPR "therapies" already on the market and many more in clinical trial.

GMO Salmon are being sold in supermarkets, and GMO cows were recently approved by the FDA. The first CRISPR edited mustard greens are already on the market, and new CRISPR soy with pig genes inserted into to make the soy taste like meat is in the works.

The whole world should be calling for a moratorium on all CRISPR gene editing. 

The clock is ticking.

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CRISPR technology, a gene-editing tool, has captivated the scientific world with its promise to cure inherited diseases and eradicate debilitating conditions with new CRSIPR gene therapies. However, this seemingly "wonderful" technology carries with it extreme risk, arrogance, and playing G-d.

This risky practice must be stopped ASAP, before the damage done will be irreversible.

These CRISPR "medicines" are actually programed to genetically modify humans. This is a dangerous practice, not only to ourselves, but to our future generations.

The use of CRISPR technology should require the consent of every single human being in the world, not just corrupt government officials and scientists, because this technology will affect us all. 

Scientists have started using CRISPR in medicines, vaccines, and gene therapies to alter the human genome. Most of the time, the patients will be unaware that they are subjecting themselves or their children to genetic modification, as many doctors and scientists will avoid admitting that their “treatments” are genetic modification.

This tinkering with the genes of every living thing on the planet is happening under our noses and no one is doing anything about it.

Unpredictable Consequences 

Using CRISPR for gene editing is risky. Off-target effects, where the gene-editing machinery inadvertently alters unintended DNA sequences, are a significant concern. These unintended mutations could trigger the development of cancers, genetic disorders, or other unforeseen health problems.

 Immune System Suppression: 

A major challenge in CRISPR-based therapies is preventing the body's immune system from rejecting the genetically modified cells. Naturally, the immune system rejects that which it recognizes as foreign. This is a defense mechanism that G-d gave us to protect our genetic integrity and overall health. Scientists are exploring methods to suppress the immune system, so that not only will therapies include CRISPR edited cells but also it will have immune suppressing effects, leaving us defenseless. The immune system is crucial for defending against infections and cancer. Disabling this vital defense mechanism leaves patients highly vulnerable to these threats, significantly increasing their risk of developing serious illnesses.

Ethical Abyss: Human Cloning

Sounds like a horrific scenario in a sci-fi movie, but unfortunately for us all, scientists are actually working on human cloning. As is, scientists like He Jiankui, a Chinese researcher, helped "produce" 3 gene edited babies using CRISPR. He's not the only one.

Now, scientists are working on human cloning, producing babies without the need for sperm and egg cells. 2 women, 2 men, 10 men, 1 person, could theoretically have their own human clone.

Scientists at the Weizman Institute in Israel and A team of researchers in the United States and United Kingdom have created cloned human embryos. The purpose? Harvesting human organs and medical experimentation.

They discovered a way to create human embryos without human sperm or eggs. To develop the embryos they took stem cells from human skin and preexisting cultures and reverted them to a blank or embryonic state. These cells were programed to The scientists divided the loose cells into several groups and treated each with a chemical to turn on certain genes. One group of cells became placenta cells, etc...

They called the embryos “synthetic” Embryos, which is misleading, there is nothing synthetic about these embryos, these embryos are formed from human stem cells. They have human organs

This is the first stage of HUMAN CLONING

The cloned embryos were grown in a lab for 14 days.

The potential for germline editing, altering the genes of human embryos, opens a Pandora's Box of ethical dilemmas. This could lead to unforeseen long-term consequences for future generations, altering the human gene pool in unpredictable and harmful ways.

Unforeseen Applications 

The ease and accessibility of CRISPR technology raise serious concerns about its potential misuse. Malicious actors could exploit this powerful tool to create bioweapons, engineer devastating pandemics, or even manipulate human populations for any number of benign or lethal nefarious purposes.


While the allure of curing genetic diseases is undeniable, the potential for unintended consequences to health, including tampering with the human gene pool, and the inherent dangers of suppressing the immune system, and most importantly the moral problems that CRISPR technology threatens to open are simply too great to ignore.

It boils down to are we willing to live in a world where every single thing is being genetically modified? Where the laws that G-d put in the world are torn to shreds?

Where people think they can run things as they please?

All that will happen is destruction. There has to come a time when we accept the way that G-d runs the world, even in the face of difficulty, because we understand that G-d knows better.

We have to call for a moratorium on all lab grown human embryos right now!

We have to demand a moratorium on IVG In Vitro Gametogenesis, creation of embryos without original human egg and sperm cells.


Lab-grown babies: Synthetic eggs and sperm get closer to reality - Genetic Literacy Project 

Current CRISPR Medications and Therapies

A Limited and Risky Landscape

While proponents tout "successes" like Casgevy for sickle cell disease and the potential of CTX211 for type 1 diabetes, the reality is far more complex and potentially disastrous.

● Casgevy: Used to treat sickle cell disease (SCD) and transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia (TDT), this therapy induces the expression of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in adults.

CTX211: A clinical trial for type 1 diabetes, involving the transplantation of healthy beta cells to help patients produce insulin. These examples, as well as many of these therapies are still in early stages of development where their long term effects are entirely unknown.

● CRISPR Therapies in Clinical Trials:

A Precarious Path CRISPR technology is being tested in various clinical trials, targeting multiple conditions:

● Blood Disorders: Trials for sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia continue to explore different approaches to gene editing.

● Autoimmune Diseases: Trials are underway for diseases like lupus and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD).

● Cancer and Infectious Diseases: Researchers are investigating CRISPR's potential in treating various cancers and bacterial infections. ●


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