Why do arthritis symptoms worsen in winter?
Our joints function best in moderate temperatures. When the weather cools down, the synovial fluid in our joints, which acts like motor oil, thickens and becomes more sluggish.
Lower temperatures can increase pain sensitivity, slow circulation, and trigger muscle spasms. Additionally, our joints can sense changes in barometric pressure (the atmospheric pressure around us).
A decrease in barometric pressure can cause muscles and tendons to expand, adding extra pressure to an already stressed joint.

Essential Tips to Reverse Arthritis & Joint Pain
1) Exercise:
Arthritis thrives in acid environment. We need an oxygenated body to heal from Arthritis. Oxygen is an alkaline substance. The blood carries oxygen to the cells of the body. Exercise moves blood. Normally we breathe in 500ml of air and breathe out 500 ml of waste but when we exercise we breathe in 3600 ml of air and breathe out 3600 of waste
Blood also carries away waste so we need to increase blood supply to that area.
Start Slow with low impact sports and build up gradually. Swimming, rebounding, some forms of dance are low impact that are good to start with.
2) Maintain a healthy weight
Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce pain and pressure on joints. Osteoarthritis is especially painful in joints that bear weight, such as the knees, hips and spine.
To learn more about our unique Superfood based Weight Loss Diet Plan please click here. Check out our testimonials.
3) Drink Water: Water is an alkalizer - aim to drink 8 + glasses a day. Drink fresh Spring Water- (add a sprinkle of high mineral bamboo salt or other high mineral salt to mineralize the water
3) Avoid Acid Forming Foods
Acidic Foods to Eliminate Completely: coffee, alcohol, modern GMO wheat, meat, fish (fish is not a health food unless you're fishing in the pure open sea waters of Alaska or the Antarctic- most "wild caught" salmon are raised in filthy ocean pens), chicken, sugar, cheese, milk (with the exception of raw milk) fruit syrup, corn syrup, processed foods.
Reduce by 90%: rice, potatoes, legumes, eggplant
Reduce Intake: nightshade vegetables like red pepper, tomatoes, nuts
4) Adopt an Alkaline Plant Based Diet:
Adopt a diet rich in low GI whole grains Kamut and Einkorn (no processed or refined carbohydrates), buckwheat, healthy fats like real Heirloom Olive Oil and avocadoes, and plenty of fresh and cooked fruits and vegetables. Fruits and green vegetables are very alkaline.
Incorporating low glycemic index foods into your diet can be particularly beneficial. These foods release glucose slowly into the bloodstream, preventing spikes in blood sugar levels. Sugar is very acidifying for the body, for this reason, low GI foods are very helpful in controlling arthritis.
Bread was a staple food since Biblical times for a reason. If made properly, bread has the potential to contain up to 70% of your daily nutritional needs. Unfortunately most of the commercial breads out there are toxic including sprouted breads. OPt for ancient grain breads
To learn more about our special Ancient Grain Einkorn breads click here
5) Coral Calcium-
Coral Calcium is a super absorbable natural supplement to treat low calcium levels and for bone and joint repair. Also helps relieve sore muscles and joints.
It works fast to relieve pain and lower bone and joint inflammation.
Coral Calcium’s composition is similar to that of human bone and has been used as bone graft material for over 30 years.
At Joseph's organic Bakery we went to great lengths to find the highest quality coral calcium possible. Because its so rare and expensive, most coral calcium is full of binders and fillers or just plain and simply made from shellfish bones.
Our Bone Fuel Coral Calcium is made from 100% Authentic Coral Calcium from coral sand deposits in Okinawa Japan. No binders no fillers. Ingredients: 100% Japanese Coral Calcium, vegetable capsules
Ginger poultices draw out toxins. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and can lower swelling and reduce pain. Beware: the ginger can heat and even slightly burn skin if left for too long. Its safe but just keep an eye and see how you feel. Some people enjoy the heat, just try the poultice for an hour or 2 the first time and then slowly increase the duration.
Grate a ginger very fine, put it in the middle of a cloth , fold the cloth around it and put some plastic on one side apply to inflamed joint - It does draw out the toxins, the skin can become very hot, put it on for an hour or 2 - if its not too hot for you, you can leave it on for another hour, the second time you can leave it on for a few more hours. Start slow- do not do it more than once per day.
Another Option is Castor Oil Packs. Castor oil is also an anti-inflammatory but it works more slowly and is not as powerful.
Learn more about our Coral Calcium here
6) Comfrey Cream -
Comfrey is a powerful pain reliever, it also strengthens and repairs bone.
Our Bone Fuel Coral Calcium is made from 100% Authentic Coral Calcium from coral sand deposits in Okinawa Japan. Most Coral Calcium is fake, derived from shellfish bones in Hokkaido to reduce the price. Ours is 100% Coral Calcium, no binders no fillers.
Buy our Comfrey Cream here
Coral Calcium
Arthritis Start Pack
Arthritis thrives in acidic environment. We need an alkaline oxygenated body to prevent and treat Arthritis. In this pack we combine potent herbs to combat the effects of arthritis. We chose these herbs for their anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. They also address the core issues, whether its weak bones or toxins accumulating in the joints.
This Pack is combo pack of of our Top Selling Herbal Supplements for Back Pain & Arthritis Relief. Learn more about each product below.