The verdict is in, low carb diets are finally making their way out. This risky trend went on for long enough.
We've been brainwashed into thinking that carbs are bad for us, and that protein (meat and fish) and fats (essential fatty acids) are the only things our bodies need to achieve health. That couldn't be more false.
Carbohydrates are actually more essential than either protein or fats. Try living on only protein, cheese and oil for the rest of your life. The impact it would have upon your physical and mental health would be disastrous. Yet societies survived on bread as the primary food staple for thousands of years. That's because bread, when prepared correctly, has the potential to contain 70% of all the nutrients we need each day.
Ancient grains like Kamut and Einkorn, which haven't been tampered with by science like modern wheat, contain an array of vitamins nutrients and fiber essential for everyday life. Each one has a unique nutritional profile. Einkorn, for example, is also rich in protein and nutrients. And Kamut is rich in manganese, magnesium, zinc and lipids. Carbohydrates are essential to every body function including the brain and muscles.

Study of 24,000 People proves that Low Carb Dieters have a 32% higher risk of death
Low carb diets can result in drastic weight loss, but there are many negative health effects, the most shocking of which is premature death.
A study of more than 24,800 adults in the US found that those who limited their carb intake had a 32% higher risk of death from any cause than people who ate high-carb diets.
The study was presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2018.
Study author Professor Maciej Banach, of the Medical University of Lodz, Poland, said: "We found that people who consumed a low carbohydrate diet were at greater risk of premature death. Risks were also increased for individual causes of death including coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer. These diets should be avoided."
The researchers separated participants into four groups, from lowest- to highest-carb diets. They found that Americans in the bottom 25% of the pack, who ate barely any carbs, had a 32% higher risk of death from any cause than those who had the highest carb intakes.
They also found that low-carb dieters had a 51% increased risk of dying from coronary heart disease and a 35% increased risk of dying from cancer relative to people in the top 25% of carb eaters.
6 of the Biggest Drawbacks of Low Carb Diets
True we need some protein (from a non-animal source) and fat in our diet, but carbs should make up the vast majority of the diet. The key is to choose the right carbs like including whole grains like Einkorn and Kamut bread, vegetables and fruit.
6 of the Biggest Drawbacks of Low Carb Diets:
1) Keto Puts Stress on the kidneys and may give you kidney stones & Gout
Kidney Stones are a well-noted potential side effect of the ketogenic diet. Consuming Animal Protein & Processed meats creates a buildup of acidic compounds which causes kidney stones and which promotes overall acidity in the body which leads to arthritic conditions like gout.
2) Increased hunger: Low carb diets have been shown to increase the hunger hormone, leptin, which increases appetite. Dieting is already hard for most people, increasing leptin just makes it that much harder.
3) Loss of Lean Muscle Mass:
Losing lean muscle is dangerous.
Muscle is metabolically active and helps boost daily energy. Losing muscle mass can decrease strength and increase the risk of falls. Falls are the top cause of death from injury in older populations
4) Decreased Energy & Physical performance:
Plain and simple, carbs provide energy. They play an active role in hormonal balance as well.. Low carb diets increase the risk of “low T3 syndrome”. T3, a thyroid hormone controls metabolic rate, energy, and weight control. Low T3 caused from low carb and/or sever calorie restriction can cause fat gain and chronic fatigue, and low testosterone.
5) Mental Stress: Anxiety and Depression
Consuming Carbohydrates stimulates the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of happiness and satisfaction.
Simply, Lowering carbohydrate intake decreases serotonin levels.
6) Higher Risk of Heart Disease & Heart Attack
6 of the Best Ways to Lose Weight Safely
STEP 1: Diet rich in Complex (not refined Carbohydrates)
chooseing the right carbs makes all the difference. Ancient Grain breads like The Einkorn Bread or Kamut Bread at Joseph's Organic Bakery, will actually help the body stabilize blood sugar levels and achieve healthy weight loss.
Vegetables and fruits and berries are wonderful sources of healthy carbs and loads of antioxidants. Eat as much as you can.
increase your water intake-choose high quality spring water
walk slowly and at a steady pace for 30 minutes to 1 hour or more per day, building up your tolerance slowly.
Eating breakfast revs up metabolism, and resets the body's weight point. But what is the best food to eat for breakfast?
The Talmud extols the virtues of eating what's called Pat Shacharit, or Morning Bread in English. The bread should ideally be consumed around 2 hours or more after rising.
The healthiest bread is ancient grain bread.
Click below to learn more about our Ancient Grain bread at Joseph's Organic Bakery.
Longjing tea stimulates cleansing of cells, increases metabolism, and helps regulate hunger (lowers cravings).
To read more about How I used the six steps above to lose weight and improve my health click here: How I Lost the Weight and Kept it Off – Joseph's Organic Bakery (