A panel of experts weighed in on new weight loss drugs like Wegovy, Ozempic, and Mounjaro at a conference in San Fransisco this Thursday. They quoted a large trial on wegovy that clearly showed that while participants lost weight, 40% of that weight was lean muscle mass.
Said Robert Lustig, professor of pediatrics at the University of California: "Thats what starvation does: you lose equal amounts of muscle and fat. If you're a person 60 years or older and you're losing muscle your risk of dying just went up exponentially. So you may be robbing Peter to pay Paul".

Without Detoxifying first, losing weight can be dangerous
Some doctors, psychologists and eating disorder experts worry that these new medications, originally developed to treat diabetes, could become a problem long-term.
Common side effects of drugs include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and constipation. These side effects are felt so strongly that nearly half of people with diabetes quit the drugs within a year, one real-world study showed, and 70% within two years.
The drugs also increase the risk of thyroid cancer, acute pancreatitis, gallbladder disease, low blood sugar, kidney injury, damage to the eye's retina and suicidal thinking or behavior.
Additionally, its very likely that most people are likely to regain all their lost weight if they don’t keep taking the drugs for life, and psychologists warn that the psychological toll of this weight loss roller coaster could be damaging.
In the longest study, lasting about 16 months – weight loss plateaued and started to climb again by the end, suggesting people's bodies had acclimated to the drugs.
Funny enough, Those who lose weight on the once-weekly shots will probably still need to exercise and eat well to see the benefits!
So why not just adopt a healthy diet without taking these meds that come with significant health risks?
Companies making these $1,000-a-month medications are working really hard and paying millions in advertising to the doctors and to the public that obesity is a disease and that they need the appetite-suppressing drugs for life.
“That’s part of the problem with these medications right now: Big Pharma’s influence on doctors and Big Pharma’s influence on education,” said Dr. Kimberly Dennis, a psychiatrist who specializes in treating addictions and eating disorders. “Everything we saw with the opioid epidemic.”
Step 1 as I've explained above, is to avoid foods and chemicals that cause toxic buildup such as animal proteins, pesticides on non-organic fruits and veggies, dangerous household chemicals, all processed foods, and medications.
Step 2 Medications, whether prescribed or not, flood the liver with toxins. Many Americans can be taking over 5 prescriptions at once, many of which have side effects, and all of which put strain on our detoxification system. Work with your medical provider, psychiatrist, or holistic doctor to lower your medications. If your medical provider does not want to help, find someone else that will. Get on a healthy diet plan so that you can eliminate the need for medications altogether.
Step 3: Adopt a healthy vegan diet plan that helps you eliminate toxins naturally, with detoxifying herbal teas and proper stone ground bread. Avoid all processed foods. Fresh juicing with lots of green vegetables like kale, parsley cilantro and spinach. Beets, carrots and celery are also great for juicing and they detox the liver. The detox diet is very simple and it consists of proper bread, vegetables (cooked, raw, and juiced), and fruits (especially organic berries). After 2 weeks the body will feel lighter and cleaner.